Welcome to our online store!
Now Open through Saturday, December 21st!

What’s Coming in 2024!

We will have some new items on the Christmas tree menu this year.  All our old favorites too! 

Starting this year, we will be offering 4’ and 5’ Grand Fir from one of our younger fields.  This is the first time we have ever had these little beauties available.  A perfect size for small spaces.  Grand Fir  have strong branches with soft dark green needles whose undersides are coated in white stomatal bloom.  This really dazzles when the tree is lit up.   They are especially fragrant with a strong citrus-like scent.  Your home will really smell like Christmas! 

Natural Style Fir

Also, this year we have expanded our selection of Silver Tip style trees.  Our natural Noble Fir have that traditional layered look with an open style that is perfect for large ornaments.  This year we will have natural style trees ranging from 7’ up to 12’

While they are not a new item, this year we have secured some of the prettiest Douglas fir that we have ever seen.  Our own Douglas fir fields are still just getting started after the forest fire, so we have teamed up with a new Christmas tree grower, Sergey Leonchik, to keep us supplied until our fields mature.  Sergey is a Ukrainian immigrant, and this is his first crop of Christmas trees.   He has done a wonderful job and produced trees that are healthy, full and perfectly shaped.  We are glad to support another small family farm in our endeavors while bringing you some truly magnificent Douglas fir trees this year.